Essentials of Your Skin Care Ritual to Prepare Skin for Winter
With the arrival of winter and the change of weather conditions, our daily routines also change. The harsh weather conditions that we are exposed to in the winter months, hot baths, humid environments caused by heaters and sudden changes in weather affect the horn layer of our skin and cause it to dry out more. For this reason, problems such as flaking, shedding, cracking and stretching may occur in dry skin types. In order to take precautions against such skin problems and atopic eczema attacks, you should moisturize your skin intensively in both your morning and evening care and deeply cleanse your skin from dead cells on its surface so that the moisturizer can be better absorbed. In order to protect and moisturize your skin, you should organize your routines in the most appropriate way for your skin needs and not skip them. In a skin care routine, deep cleansing and moisturizing the skin are the most important steps to pay attention to. In skin care performed in the winter months, moisturizing becomes extra important. Especially people with dehydrated, dry, sensitive and atopic skin types that need more protection in the winter months should not skip these steps.